
Are submarine pitchers illegal
Are submarine pitchers illegal

Pitching from the submarine gives you more movement, deceptive strikes, and a lower ball pitch. Because side arms pitchers tend to throw with their arms straight up, they can cause serious elbow and shoulder damage. A submarine pitcher simply tilts his or her upper body to make it easier to throw from the same slot as any other pitcher. The movements and motions of submarine pitchers can be compared to those of a softball pitcher in some ways. This method, if followed, can turn even the best hitters into liabilities. Currently, there are approximately 40 sub-marine style pitchers in the majors and minor leagues. It was only recently that the pitching style began to gain traction, and coaches began to trust it. So if you’re a submarine pitcher, or thinking about becoming one, you may want to think twice. It’s unclear exactly why the submarine style is so hard on the arm, but the researchers say it may be because the delivery puts extra stress on the elbow and shoulder. The researchers say the findings highlight the need for more research on the effects of the submarine delivery. Of the 78 pitchers studied, those who threw submarine-style were 2.5 times more likely to suffer an elbow or shoulder injury.

#Are submarine pitchers illegal professional#

The study, published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, looked at a group of professional pitchers from 2006 to 2011.

are submarine pitchers illegal are submarine pitchers illegal

It’s long been thought that the unorthodox delivery puts extra stress on the elbow and shoulder, and the new research seems to confirm those suspicions. Pitchers who throw submarine-style are more likely to get injured, according to a new study.

Are submarine pitchers illegal